Net Control 2

Classroom management software


This document contains a detailed list of features available in Net Control 2 software at the moment of creation of this document. It is possible though that some minor features are not listed here, as also that some new features may have appeared in newer versions, after we created this list. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding tools, features and functions available in our software.

The short list of main features that are available in all editions:

  • Broadcast teacher's screen to students, the full screen or partially, with ability to make annotations on the screen in the process of screen sharing, with or without voice communication; the image on student computers may be displayed either in a full screen or in windowed mode.
  • Monitoring student computers in a realtime, with ability to view student computers in thumbnails or in full screen mode, with shared remote control mode, when teacher can help students remotely on their computers.
  • Multiple communication features: chat, text and graphic messages, chat by request of a student (help requests), voice communication.
  • Instant polling, voting, ability to run tests and quizzes.
  • Restrictions: access restrictions to undesirable web-sites and applications, USB and removable devices
  • Co-working: play multimedia files together with students, browse websites synchronously, open necessary documents and applications on student computers.
  • Document management: send work documents to students in a couple of clicks and collect them back when necessary with sorting by folders.
  • Give awards to students, grade their work, use the built-in planner to make the lesson planning easier.
  • and many other features that are listed below.

More detailed information about supported features you can find in the tables below:
Green field - Net Control 2 Classroom;
Yellow field - Net Control 2 PRO;
Gray field - Net Control 2 SmallClass;
- the feature is supported;
- the feature is not supported;
- the feature is available in Microsoft Windows only;

Broadcast the desktop of the teacher's computer to one, several or all student computers.
Broadcast the desktop of one student to others.
In the process of screen sharing the teacher (or the student, which screen is shared) can annotate on the screen with various drawing tools.
The teacher (or the student, which screen is shared) can speak to students in the process of the broadcast.
The teacher (or the student, which screen is shared) can broadcast the system audio in the process of the broadcast. The system audio is the sound that is currently playing on the computer from all applications.
The broadcast area on the screen may be limited by bounds of some selected rectangle.
In a multimonitor system it is possible to set up the source display for broadcasting.
Students can see the received image full screen or in a window.
The special restricted full-screen mode prevents students from switching to other applications in the process of broadcasting.
Browser Broadcast: this special mode makes possible to monitor the broadcasting in any Internet browser on devices that do not support Net Control 2 software.
Control mode: when this mode is enabled, students can control the broadcasting computer during the broadcast session.
The broadcast subsystem supports different network protocols for better compatibility with existing networks: UDP Broadcast, Multicast, UDP Unicast.
Broadcast quality and performance settings may be adjusted and adapted to almost any existing network infrastructure.
To improve the performance, the teacher can change the compression settings and reduce the resolution, for example, when sharing high resolution screens or full screen videos.
Help students remotely in a real time, using the keyboard and mouse.
Control several student computers at a time remotely in a real time, all actions applied to one computer are repeated on all other computers.
Annotate on the screen of the controlled computer with different drawing tools.
Different view modes for the better experience: the view-only mode, stretched and 1:1 views, displaying or hiding of the shadow cursor.
The common clipboard for sharing information between computers.
Support of multimonitor systems, the teacher can switch between displays.
The teacher can lock the student computer's keyboard and mouse during the remote assistance session.
Switch between several controlled computers either manually or in the automatic mode after some time interval (the scan mode).
When controlling multiple computers, they can be displayed either in one, the same window with the ability of switching between computers, or in separate windows for each controlled computer. The teacher can easily manage such windows: extract users into separate windows or join them to the main one.
Save or print screenshots of the controlled student computers.
Record the session in a special DRR file with ability of further replay on teacher or student computers.
Supports hardware acceleration features of the video adapter and enhanced capabilities of modern CPUs.
The teacher can run quick polls for one, several or all students.
The poll can consist of one question and up to four answers. Three standard answer combinations: Yes/No, Yes/No/Don't know, Yes/No/May be.
The poll is performed on student computers in full screen mode, has an attractive user interface, colorful buttons, animated and static graphic backgrounds.
In addition to the pre-defined answers, the teacher can set up any custom answers (up to four per a question).
Teacher can set up custom graphic background (from a built-in library or a custom image).
Questions with answers may be saved on the teacher computer for further quick access and use.
Poll results are displayed in detail in text form and in charts. The teacher can get immediate information and statistics per each student's response.
Poll results may be saved in a CSV or HTML file for processing in external applications.
The teacher can grade students depending on the given asnwer, the grades will be stored in the lesson journal.
Anonymous polls: when the anonymous mode is enabled, the teacher can see only the common statistics for the class, without details for each student.
The teacher can set up the think time (within this time students will not be able to answer the question); the answer time (as a time limit when the question should be answered). When the Answer is Required mode is enabled, the students will have to provide some answer, otherwise they will not be able to switch to other applications.
Scenarios: the standard course of the survey can be diversified by a game form, for example, who will be the first to correctly answer the question.
The teacher can run interactive quizzes for one or several student computers. The quizzes may contain text, graphics, each question may assume selection of one or several correct answers from a list of available answers; entering an arbitrary answer in a text field, selecting a graphic image from a list of shown images.
Includes Quiz Constructor, the program for building interactive quizzes.
Questions and answers for quizzes may be imported from Excel/CSV files.
Questions and answers may be exported to CSV or HTML files for further processing in external programs (e.g. Excel).
Time limits for the entire quiz or its individual questions.
In the process of testing, the teacher receives detailed realtime statistics on the quiz performance, per each student: the answers given on each question, whether the answer correct or not, the points earned, and so on.
Ability to display questions in random order.
The teacher can suspend quizzes and restore them at any time (days, weeks) later.
The teacher can pause quizzes. When the quiz is paused, students cannot observe or answer questions.
Quiz results may be exported to CSV or HTML files.
Quiz results may be displayed on student computers after the quiz completion.
Quiz results are automatically stored in the lesson journal.
The teacher can grade students based on the quiz results, put grades to the lesson journal or show grades to students.
Each quiz may include separate sets of questions for different complexity levels or variants.
Students can "raise hand" at any moment using a special button in the student console. The teacher immediately receives a sound signal and notification in the teacher console.
The teacher can call on students. When called on, the students receive an immediate notification in the student console.
Virtual Whiteboard as a modern analogue of a regular class board, allows sharing information between teachers and students in a graphical form. The teacher can draw and type on the virtual whiteboard, all actions are immediately reproduced and displayed on student computers.
Virtual Whiteboard supports standard primitives (ellipses, rectangles, triangles), different graphic objects (flags, stars, balls, fruits etc.), mathematic signs from the built-in library; custom graphic images.
Use desktop screenshots as the whiteboard's background.
Use any custom graphic image as the whiteboard's background.
Use special effects: shadows, rotation, scaling etc on any whiteboard objects.
The teacher can allow one or several students to work together with him on the whiteboard. This permission may be revoked and passed to another student in a few clicks.
Record the process of drawing on the whiteboard to a special file for further replay.
Send text messages to one or multiple students. Messages may be displayed in a window or full screen.
To attract attention, the message may be shown on an animated background or on a static image from the built-in image library.
Speak a text on student computers using the system text-to-speech (TTS) features.
Send and display any custom graphic images (JPEG and PNG formats supported).
Play any standard files or send and play any custom sounds (audio files). WAV and MP3 formats are supported for Windows.
Show special information in text messages: computer, connection or user name, a random number based on the number of computers in the class, system information and so on.
The teacher can set up a time limit for text messages.
Adjust the sound volume on student computers remotely.
Use "statuses" as short text notifications on teacher and student computers.
Send screenshot to students from any third party application.
Restrict access to Internet in a few clicks.
Restrict access to all or individual web-sites, based on profiles, black- or whitelists.
Time-limited and permanent restrictions: restriction profiles may be applied temporarily, for a specified time only, until reboot, or permanently.
Restrictions work in all major browsers (New and legacy Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Opera).
The teacher can restrict access to undesirable applications, based on black- or whitelists; temporarily or permanently.
Both kinds of restrictions may be applied through profiles. The teacher can prepare necessary restriction profiles beforehand, and then switch between restrictions when necessary, in a few clicks.
Run programs, open documents and web links on all or several student computers from the teacher computer in a couple of clicks.
It is possible to run applications and documents from Desktop or Start menu of student computers.
Run applications in Kiosk mode. In this mode, students can work with the kiosked program only and cannot switch to other applications.
Run Windows Command prompt or macOS Terminal commands.
Manage running processes, applications and system services.
Minimize running applications to Windows Taskbar.
Quick Run: create buttons or menu commands in the teacher console for individual programs or documents for quick running them on student computers in a couple of clicks.
Privilege management: the applications running with this tool will use the privileges of the currently logged in user on the student computers.
Using the Bad Language monitoring tool, the teacher can create a list of "banned" words that will be monitored on the student computers. On the event, when a student types a phrase that contains any of the banned words from the list, the monitor will send a notification to the teacher, as a sound signal and will display a special icon on the thumbnail of the respective student. The teacher will be able to get the current screenshot of the student computer. For security reasons, the tool does not log, record or store any text typed by the student, including the text that raised the event.
Setup various Windows system policies (system settings) remotely:
  • disable or enable access to system programs in Control Panel
  • disable settings of Start menu
  • restrict access to Desktop settings
  • restrict access to Network settings
  • restrict access to disk drives (hide disk drives in My Computer)
Dynamically disable or enable printing services on selected student computers.
Disable USB storage devices: USB flash drives, removable HDDs and FDDs.
Disable optical and removable devices: BD/DVD/CD/Floppy drives.
Mute sound on student computers.
The restrictions may be applied permanently, until reboot or for some time.
Shutdown and restart student computers remotely.
Wake up (turn on) computers remotely (computers must support the Wake-up On LAN / WOL feature).
Switch student computers to the "stand-by" and "hibernation" power saving modes
Log in users to Windows remotely.
Send documents (files) to one or multiple students in a few clicks and collect the files back in the same way. The collected files will be automatically arranged in folders according to the student computer names.
Sent from the teacher computer files are always available and displayed in the student console.
Students can use the special Autocollect folder: all files stored in this folder are automatically synchronized with the teacher computer, the teacher receives a notification when a new file is received or changed. The teacher can check, modify the received files and send them back to students when necessary.
Using the bult-in File Manager, teachers can manage, copy, rename, run files, create folders and perform other file operations on multiple student computers at a time.
The teacher can initiate a text chat with one or several students; add new students to the chat session, remove participants of the chat when necessary.
Students can send help requests to connected teachers. When the request is accepted by the teacher, the teacher module creates a new chat session with this student. Requests may be accepted automatically or manually, depending on the settings.
Chat messages may be formatted with different font styles, alignment and colors.
Send images, screenshots, use smiles in chat messages.
Draw text or images by hand and send instead of text messages.
Use nicknames (will be displayed together with the connection name).
Attach files. All sent files and images will be displayed in the special Resources section of the chat window for quick access. Students do not have to scroll the entire chat history to find the necessary file.
Chat history may be automatically logged for archive purposes.
Using Speech and Camera tool, the teacher can broadcast his/her voice from a microphone (or other recording device) to students;
The teacher can listen to a voice from student computers, recorded from a microphone or another recording device;
The teacher can broadcast the system audio of the teacher computer to students (the system audio is the sound that is playing on the computer from all sources and applications);
The teacher can listen to the system audio of student computers;
With the tool it is possible to display an image from a teacher’s web-camera to students; optionally, together with the teacher’s voice or the system audio;
The teacher can view an image from the student webcams, optionally, together with the system audio or a sound from the microphone;
The tool provides access to audio conference calls between the teacher and students so that all participants can communicate with each other.
Use video conference calls between the teacher and students for the better experience;
Ability to record the received sound from student computers with saving to a file;
Divide participants of a conference call into conference groups (up to 4 groups) for individual work;
Dynamically change the capture and output settings, the volume and recording levels.
With Desktop Recorder tool, the teacher can record any actions on his/her screen to a special DRR file for the further replay on student or teacher computers.
Convert DRR records to standard AVI format. The AVI format is recognized and playable by the most of media players even when Net Control 2 software is not installed on the device.
Play multimedia files synchronously on teacher and student computers (the multimedia files should be present on all computers or copied to student computers with the built-in tools).
Works with the video and audio formats supported by the system media player (for Windows: AVI, WMV, WMA, ASF, VOB, MP3, WAV etc.)
Supports play lists.
The teacher can control playback (rewind, pause and volume controls).
The video player may be displayed on student computers in full screen or windowed mode.
Can work with network shared folders.
Use Co-Browse tool to browse web pages together with students. Net Control 2 uses a special browser program on student computers to prevent clicking links or visiting other websites by students.
Give rewards to students (gold, silver and bronze stars that are always visible on student computers).
Grade students. As a grade you can use letters, numbers, signs in any combination, or attractive graphic images (stars, fruits, flags etc.)
Keep grades in a special journal. The grade journals may be opened, saved, exported or printed.
Grades are integrated with Polls and Quizzes.
The teacher can request students to register themselves in the class with their real name, an optional Student ID and two custom fields assigned by the teacher.
The collected information may be exported to a CSV file for further processing (for example in a spreadsheet editor); as also will be automatically stored in the lesson journal.
The student "real name" may be displayed as a connection name (instead of the login name).
Lesson journals keep events occurred during the lesson: lesson information, a list of registered students, comments made by the teacher, results of polls and quizzes, other information.
Jornals may be saved, opened, printed or exported to HTML or XML files.
The teacher can create and use lesson plans. The lesson plan in Net Control 2 is a sequence of various timed events: comments, notifications and actions.
Lesson plans may be saved, opened, exported or printed.
When the plan is running, during the lesson, the teacher module will display the respective notifications, open tools and run commands etc. in accordance with the events of the plan.
The teacher can create lesson resources for each lesson. The lesson resources is a set of files, documents, links to local or web resources, any arbitrary text information and information about the lesson. When a student is connecting to the teacher, a copy of the resources will be sent to the student computer and available through the student console.
The teacher can create various timers and display them on student computers.
The timers may be customized with options: counting up or down, displaying the current time. Three dial designs. Two options for the size of the dial and the ability to display the timer in full screen.
Programmable actions upon expiration of the timer: a sound signal, block or turn off the computer, sending a notification to the teacher.
The teacher can join several students in a student group.
One of the student group members may be assigned with group leader privileges and becomes a leader of the group. The group leader can perform some teacher features on the members of the group, depending on the assigned privileges. The leaders may be allowed to broadcast their screen to other students in the group, control other students of the group, chat with them, use speech features.
The teacher can dynamically change leaders in a group.
Using Event Monitor, the teacher can get immediate information on use of computers in the classroom: what applications are running at the moment on computers; what documents or web pages are opened and how long.
The information is displayed in a form of compact cards, one card per a student computer, making possible to place information about the entire class on one screen.
Using the tool, the teacher gets information on what computers are actually in use. Computers without activity are highlighted with various colors depending on the idle time.
Using the tool, the teacher receives a notification when an application was started from a non-standard path (e.g. from a removable device).
Event Logger tool can track and store information on what applications were used on student computers; what web pages were visited; what system events occurred during the lesson. The logs are standalone: the student module keeps them even when no teachers connected at the moment.
The teacher can request logs when necessary, with filtering the results by event type.
Students can work with more than one teacher.
Students can connect to the teacher on their own using a special Session ID of the teacher console.
Students can connect to the teacher on their own using an IP address or a DNS name of the teacher computer.
Self-connection: the student can choose and connect a teacher from the list of available in the network teachers.
Self-connection (v.2): the student can send a connection request to one of available in the network teachers, or just send it to all teachers in the network. The teachers will be able to accept or reject the request through the teacher console.
If the teacher repeatedly performs some actions during the lesson, such actions may be recorded to a macro command for quick execution in a couple clicks. When created, the command will be available in the Macro Commands menu of the Main menu of the teacher console.
A hot key may be assigned to any macro command, for quick access through keyboard shortcuts.
The created macro commands may be placed on the right toolbar (hidden initially).
The teacher module uses Ctrl+Shift+F12 hot key (by default) to capture a screenshot in any program, and send it to the selected students. The hot key may be changed in the teacher module settings.
The teacher can assign autoexecutable commands to student computers. The autoexecutable commands is a kind of a macro command that is executed automatically on student computers on specific events (reboot or a time event). Even when the teacher computer is not connected to the student at the moment.
Change, synchronize or verify date and time on user computers
Get system information (OS version, CPU, RAM, Disk information)
Lock student computers temporarily to attract attention.
View student connections in a form of desktop screenshots, big or small icons, avatars, camera snapshots or in a detailed table view.
Change the size of thumbnails.
Use the free positioning of thumbnails within the workspace to imitate the actual placement of computers in the classroom.
The teacher can see what computers are disconnected at the moment.
A custom image may be used as a background of the computers list.
Student connections in the teacher console may be named in accordance with their computer name, user name (login) or a real user name, in any combination.
The teacher can assign any custom names to student connections displayed in the teacher console.
The user interface is available in different languages (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish languages by default), other languages are available from local distributors.
Arrange connections in the workspace by alphabet or by numbers in the connection name.
Divide computers to virtual groups (e.g. classrooms)
Nested groups (groups within other groups, containers)
Centralized connection management: all connections are stored on a server, and are the same for all teachers of the network
Computers are addressed by an IP address or a DNS name
Computers may be addressed by a user name (login) of the currently logged in user.
Computers may be addressed by a custom ID (StudentID) assigned to the student computer in its settings.
Import groups and connections from a CSV file or Active Directory. *
The student module may be installed on computers of a domain network using the built-in Net Deploy tool (special setup of the network may be required).
Administrators can deploy the software in the network using Active Directory Group Policies and MSI packages.
MSI packages with custom settings may be built with a special MSI Builder program, available for registered users.
The student module settings may be changed from the teacher module.
The student module settings may be changed through Active Directory Group Policies and administrative templates.
The student module may be updated remotely from the teacher console.
The automatic update may be enabled to receive the most important updates.
The teacher module password may be set up to prevent access to the module from unauthorized users. The password may be used also to lock the console temporarily.
With View Profiles it is possible to limit access of teachers to certain features of the teacher console.
Centralized View Profiles: the teacher module features may be limited depending on what teacher account uses the module.
Restrict access of teachers to groups using individual access rights for every group.
Lock the current group: the administrator can restrict regular teachers by the bounds of one, currently open group only, preventing access to other groups.
The administrator password on student computers prevents access to the student module settings and does not allow stopping the service.
The permissions may be used on student computers to limit functionality of the student module.
Notifications: when the student module is running, it displays a special icon in the system tray; a logo at startup; popup notifications when certain operations are executed. Detailed information on established connections is displayed in the student console.
Logging: the student module keeps logs of all established connections with the student module.

** other languages (Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Korean, Vietnamese) are available in packages of local distributors.

April 1, 2022. Version 22.3